Sunday, June 30, 2024

"Would you drop by for a li'l rest?"

"Would you drop by for a li'l rest?"
Green Stage on the Sidewalk
A wall transformed, emptiness to green scenery,
amidst buildings, noise, and busy feet;
"Would you drop by for a li'l rest?" it seems to say;
a chance passersby for a moment meet. 
Dr Abe V Rotor

To school, but quite early;
there's time to explore 
in make-believe, the wood 
on the wall, with nanny 
in a happy mood.    

The school van can wait idle,
    so with the kindly driver;
let time pass awhile waiting
    for the children to prepare.

Reminisce the youthful years,
     by the stream and forest, 
a tunnel of time and space,
     to go on living afresh.

Wildlife in our home, why not?
In imagery and reflection,
the archival art of Nature
for the future generation,
time to make up for our fault,
a grim reminder for action

Once in a while vary the scenery
     to the depth of the sea;
 bring down the sun to refresh memory
     of man's triumph and folly.    

Capture the rays of the sun,
     white doves flying for fun,
while you're innocent and young,
     and the happy days gone.

Nature is always there as you grow up;
she doesn't grow old in her own way;
only in human hands she tires and cries;  
thus the challenge of true beauty of a lass
to be a deity of Nature in mythology. ~

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