Sunday, June 16, 2024

Redwoods (Article in Progress)


Researched by Dr Abe V Rotor

Three species of trees are referred to as redwoods.  The most common  are the California's redwood, the giant sequoia trees, and on the other side of the globe, China's dawn redwood or known as “water-fir” or “water pine”.  

Redwoods are remnants of vast ancient coniferous forests during the time of the dinosaurs (Mesozoic era) millions of years ago. They survived the asteroid impact which annihilated the giant reptiles and other organisms on earth, the ice ages, the third and last believed to have occurred some 10,000 years ago when man was in its final phase of evolution. Redwoods are therefore, considered living fossils, a number of them are more than 3000 years old. 

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