Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Dawn of Art - Paintngs of Lawrence, 9

 The Dawn of Art 
Paintings by Mateo Laurencio Vicente M Rotor, 9
Verses by Dr Abe V Rotor

"Not knowing when the dawn will come I open every door." - 
Emily Dickinson

Laurence and his Red Sky, 2021

"When the sky is red to a child, 
it's dawn, prelude to sunrise; 
it's a happy world indeed: 
clouds on wispy trail, 
the sun rising with the hill, 
trees in silhouettes 
bearing the fireflies still in their crown; 

"The scene is more of the sky, 
free, vast, boundless - 
all these emanating from pure, 
innocent mind of a child artist."  avr

"It's nighttime, the red sky is down, 
darkness soon engulfs the scene, 
the wispy clouds hand on, 
now with a crescent moon
a child seated fishing the wispy clouds 
turned fish in his imagination; 

"The trees still in silhouettes have grown 
before the oncoming darkness - 
soon nighttime takes over; 
to a child artist this is peace, calm."    

"Toys too, find rest in the night, 
in the sleeping child, 
losing their art and purpose 
until the child is no more a child 
but an artist ready to face the world, 
the world of both artist and man."    

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” 
– Edgar Degas. ~
*Laurence is grandson of Dr Rotor.   

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