Thursday, June 6, 2024

Quiz in Biology (True or False)

Quiz in Biology (True or False)

Dr Abe V Rotor
1. Life begets life, and there is no exception. This principle puts to rest the common notion of Spontaneous Generation, such as mushrooms come out after heavy rainfall and lightning, and flies coming out from the bodies of dead animals.

2. As the chemical world has its organizational hierarchy (atoms to molecules, elements to compounds), so with the biological world (cells, tissues, organs, organ-systems). This is true with algae, fungi, amoeba, paramecium, and other protozoa.

3. The tropical rain forest (PHOTO) has the highest biological diversity because this ecosystem contains the most number of living organisms, both in kind and number, as compared with other ecosystems. This kind of ecosystem is found in the tropical region which includes the Philippines, Australia, China, Pakistan, South America and Indonesia.

4. No two organisms are the same even if they belong to the same species, or even if they are identical twins. This is the basis on forensic science using DNA Analysis. The DNA of leaves belonging to the same plant is however, exactly the same.

5. Today it is possible to have a plant such as corn bred with a bacterium such as Bacillus thuringensis, thus their offspring is a kind of corn containing the genetic material of the bacterium. (Bt Corn). Similarly, we have now Bt cotton, Bt eggplant, and the like.

6. Organisms reproduce by sexual and asexual means, that is through the exchange of genetic materials (generally through union of sex cells), and by vegetative means such as cutting, grafting, fragmentation, spores, etc. Bacteria and protozoa reproduce by both means.

7. The reason why close relatives are strictly not allowed to intermarry is to prevent in-breeding (inbreeding syndrome). The gene pool must be invigorated now and then with new genes, more importantly dominant genes. This principle explains the importance of hybridization, cross-breeding, and the buildup of resistance and hybrid vigor.

8. Nature saw to it that dominant genes must prevail by various means in order that the species becomes capable of facing the ordeals of a changing environment. Certain dominant genes however, though they may be transmitted to the next generation do not contribute at all to the enhancement of species’ survival.

The most controversial subject matter between science and religion is Evolution. It has always been confrontational, and the church is likely not giving up its dogma of Creation. For this reason Christian Fundamentalists prohibit the teaching of Darwinian evolution.

10. Evolution is a thing of the past as we have known the fate of the dinosaurs, the end of the giant ferns that once covered the earth. It means that the organisms that we see today have ultimately reached the highest degree of perfection, with man as the ideal example. 

ANSWERS: All items are true, except No. 10.  Explain why No. 10 is false. 

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