Thursday, June 6, 2024

MOTH - Master of Camouflage

MOTH - Master of Camouflage
Dr Abe V Rotor

It's Nature's hide-and-seek game,
a moth on tree bark the same;
 test of awareness and sight,
camouflage instead of fight. 

Lepidopterans come in three groups:
butterflies, skippers and moths;
when young, worms or caterpillars
emerging in flight among the stars.

Scary to the unwary;
foul - it's not an owl! 

Rare to see in the day,
perched on a tree;
nocturnal in the night,
out there in flight.

A creature most weird,
needlework you bid;
wait, it doesn't wink,
 it's but what you think. 

Like real eyes, sad and lonely;
 if you care, please play with me?

Where are you? It's like 
the sands of time story
in the land of fantasy.

 Any combination of materials, coloration, or illumination 
to conceal living things or objects hard to see, disguising 
them as something else - and not what they are.

A trio in disguise in a single domain,
 yet of different species - if they really are.
Ask Charles Darwin about adaptation 
of his theory of evolution.  

Rugged, worn-out, spent;
well deserved retirement.

"In mimicry, an organism copies another organism 
or part of an organism, while camouflage involves 
      the copying of some part of the environment." 

Now, who would prey on a fuzzy thing - 
appearing like cotton not worth eating?
An Uninvited Guest on Evening  

Long have I thought I know insects,
until a moth came to my study;
its enigma among living things 
brought me the gift of humility. 

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