Friday, May 31, 2024

Living with Nature Center Series 2 - Arboretum and Garden

Living with Nature Center Series 2
Arboretum and Garden
San Vicente, Ilocos Sur

Dr Abe V Rotor

Arboretum or Miniature Tropical Rainforest
As miniature replica, the Center maintains the three-storey distinct 
structure of a tropical rainforest, namely, underbrushes, canopy layer, 
and emergents, cum epiphytes and lianas, as virtual field laboratory 
in forestry and ecology, and other related fields of study.

Dead Forest 
Where once stood a lush vegetation of trees, shrubs, liana and orchid - 
these are but remnants, reminiscent of Paradise John Milton's poetry, 
except for one thing - we may never see it regained in our life time. 

Indigenous Food Plants
Top clockwise, karamay (Cicca acida), kamias (Averrhoa balimbi), 
ngalog (Portulaca oleracea), batao (Dolichos lablab), pallang Ilk 
(Psophocarpus tetragonolobus), patani (Phaseolus lunatus).  Wild 
food plants are crucial in providing food and nutrition in times of 
food shortage and hunger.

Herbal Medicine
Luyang dilaw (Curcuma longa) or turmeric is an effective remedy for 
osteoarthritis, hay fever, depression, and high cholesterol. The rhizome 
is a good source of phosphorus and iron. Oregano (Origanum vulgare
contains antioxidants, and offers many health benefits.  Lowermost 
photos, Aloe vera for restoring hair, and Jatropha multifida made into 
topical ointment.    

Considered as weeds certain edible plants, such as alugbati and 
karimbuaya or soro-soro, offer an alternative to conventional 
vegetables and fruits. This field of study is valuable in preserving 
biodiversity and in solving problems of food shortage and 

Pest Buildup
Top, cabbage aphids (Brevicoryne brassicaegain resistance 
against repeated chemical spraying.  Middle, Cotton Stainer 
(Dysdercus cingulatus = D. megalophygus), coconut beetle 
(Oryctes rhinocerus), green beetle, kamote weevil (Cylas 
formicarius)  are gaining the upper hand in our war against pest 
using chemicals.  Their tool: immunity.  Immunity enables them 
to survive the onslaught of pesticides which killed their forebears.  
Such resistance increases and passed on to their offspring onward. 

Living things evolve, and in the transition period may show 
incipient signs of change veering away from their own kind. 
The process may lead to the formation of variants, which may 
become distinctly new species.

Garden Pond
Microcosm of a river, lake, or a large scale fishery right on the 
backyard as source of food, recreation, or simply a place for 
creativity and respite.

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