Friday, May 31, 2024

Living with Nature Center Series 1 - Books, Lectures and Publication

   Living with Nature Center Series 1 -
Books, Lectures and Publication
San Vicente, Ilocos Sur

Dr Abe V Rotor

Library and Reading Center
The Center maintains a home library of diverse fields, from literature 
to science, magazines to journals, cum around 6000 topics on the 
blog (, topics on Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid 
DZRB 738 AM, and TATAKalikasan Radyo Katipunan 87.9 FM (AdMU), 

Lectures and Manuscripts
Top most, left, compilation of articles about insects written and delivered by the author before students, tour groups, and workshop participants, posted on Blog, Facebook and the like that constitute today's teaching tools and aids. Right, compilation of articles on Environmental Science - An Experiential and Integrated Approach. A good number of articles are posted on blog and its extension Naturalism - the Eighth Sense.  I also invite you to visit  A Naturalist World - Dr Abe V Rotor. (There are around 6,000 articles posted in these Blogs, from which were derived articles bound into Book Manuscripts)

"Books are the greatest treasure of mankind, its collective attributes as humanity, the very stimulus of man's rationality to rise above other creatures - and himself."
 - AV Rotor

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