Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Part 2. Enhance your love life through Synchronized Biorhythms:

 Synchronized Biorhythms

It is a fact that married people live longer and happier than single or divorced people.

Dr Abe V Rotor

It is a fact that married people live longer and happier than single or divorced people.  Single and divorced people are hospitalized more often, their death rate is twice, and they are prone to nervous breakdown.  Sex stimulates and rejuvenates our glands, particularly the hypothalamus of the brain, which is the sex center. Active sex life prevents diseases and illnesses by enhancing natural immunity.  Since every part of our body is exercised during lovemaking from the heart to the nerve endings, sex is perhaps the best test of vitality and health

7. A natural clock governs every person in his or her system.  This is often referred to as biological rhythm.  Although there is a general plan on how this internal clock works, no two persons are tuned  in to the same pattern - not even husband and wife.  Try to live by your own biorhythms and learn to adjust with those of your partner.  Recognize your moods and energies that change with the time of the day and night, with months and seasons.  Lovemaking is mutually fulfilling when both partners have synchronized biorhythms. generally the human body is dynamic that it can reset itself daily and adopt to the changes of the environment. 

8. Sex can become monotonous especially with modern life.  Many people find little time to express tender love and care with sex.  They employ a number of ways to vary their sexual expression as not merely satisficing desire, feeling relieved and exhausted afterwards - or just for the sake of giving` in to their partner.  Many more miss the spiritual element of lovemaking, whereby the act is the means to sustain a passionate emotion from which follow exhilaration, and a great feeling of satisfaction.   

Mantra yoga and other lovemaking techniques help transform an ordinary sex-oriented relationship into a loving, tender and harmonious one, enhancing a love-oriented relationship that bring together body, mind and spirit. 

9. Learn to read and understand the sexual cycle.  A woman's menstrual cycle dictates her sexual moods.  She feels sexiest at the midpoint of her menstrual cycle.  There are people who are sexier in the morning than at night.  There are also those who feel sexier in summer than during the cool months, or vice versa.  There are also times when men become sexier and this is indicated by rapid growth of their beard.  Studies show that the most active time for sexual activity is in the evening, but lovemaking at this time is poor since the level of androgens (love hormones) is low. They are highest between 8 to 12 a.m., and lowest at 6 p.m.  Evening is convenient to most working people.  If this is enough, make up for it during weekends.   


10.  Be aware that of all creatures on earth only humans are endowed with sexual        freedom which can be summarized as follows:

  • Sexual expression is not restricted to estrus periods or seasons of the year.   
  • Humans have the ability to match their sexual desires with their moods and feelings.  Hormones influence, but not dictate, sex life.
  • Humans can choose various lovemaking positions, instead of being  restricted to one as in the case of animals.
  • Meaningful spiritual love and emotional feelings multiply the ecstasy of physical pleasure.                                                                             

"Anger and jealousy produce nerve acids that upset
blood chemistry leading to a dull sex life." - avr 

"There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved."
- George Sand, Letter (1862) ~


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