Monday, July 18, 2022

Photography: Capture Spontaneous Joy with the Camera

Photography: Capture Spontaneous Joy
with the Camera

 Dr Abe V Rotor

Triumph in life by being happy;
capture the rare chance with the lens;
share God's greatest gift now and hence,
with your family and everybody.

 Children are the happiest lot on earth. Their tears dry up 
with a smile and burst into laughter the world can hear.

 When work is game, discovery an adventure, pleasant is its view;
when you're with a happy company, our senses are collective, too.

A member of the family or a friend takes you to a celebration,
a rite as old as mankind often forgotten, rekindled into collective joy.
A trio fills the hall with songs, romantic and  joyous,
 the music of the people, free and spontaneous.  

Walking down the stream in a make-believe scenario.

Learning to play the guitar and uke with a maestro. 

Future scientists. Curiosity is the beginning of discovery. 
Grown ups revisiting a lost garden in the holy book;
this little corner of Eden to them is a happy nook.

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