Monday, July 18, 2022

Glass Paintings of Nature's Hidden World

 Glass Paintings of Nature's Hidden World 

"A combination of biology and art 
 creates rare visual illusions." avr

Paintings by Dr Abe V Rotor 
Chloroplast - where photosynthesis takes place.

An embryo wakes up from the comfort of the womb.

Mycelia grow and spread until its host is all covered up.

Saprophyte masked in symbiosis with its host.

Saprophitism by fungi and bacteria marks the peak of  decay.

Molds on food make it unfit to eat, except cheese.

Green fish and red coral - it's the other way around.

Seaweeds deep in the sea gather the blue rays of the sun.

Nature's dichotomy dwarfs Minotaur's labyrinth.

Womb of a pond - Nymphaea's birthplace
Colorful coral reef, a microscopic view.

Mass formation where dichotomy ends.
Speck for an eye of an embryo.

Cleavage - process cells actively divide into specific organs in an embryo.

Glass painting of  moss and lichen
accidentally broken into three pieces.
It's "Man, Heaven and Earth". ~

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