Thursday, March 17, 2022

A Living Universe

A Living Universe 

“Inside of every mind is a whole world. Inside of every soul is an entire universe. The world never sleeps, the universe never rests; the Divine One is always at work.” - Living Universe

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living Universe in acrylic on wood (15"x21") A V Rotor, 2022 

A living universe of stars, gases and planetary systems like ours, hanging in space like a huge flower with petals white, yellow, red, and blue and green, all around its core; vivid yet mysterious to the eye through a lens and fertile imagination;

A living universe of colors, from primary - blue, yellow, red, - to the seven colors of the rainbow, and beyond in various shades and hues, ultimately ending in black; if black is a pool of colors, then darkness is matter, it has a mass; 

A living universe of light and matter - in Einstein's formula, E=mc2,  energy is produced in huge unending quantities, the prime mover of the universe, of all heavenly bodies, of living and non-living things - like those that exist on our planet, and in us;  

A living universe of atoms into elements combining into compounds, compounds into molecules, to cells, to organs, to living organisms, to populations living in unity into communities, to ecosystems, and ultimately our living world;   

A living universe of galaxies, each comprising of billions of stars, each star having a planetary system like our solar system in the Milky Way; we can only surmise by  inference that there are other Earths, and therefore life exists in outer space;

A living universe to the scientist is one, to the artist another, yet each one strives to capture the essence of existence, of creation, through reason and imagination, reality and fantasy, daring not to cross the line of primara causa, and the great divide; 

A living universe in which we are all a part of Creation, reaching out for one another here on earth and among the stars for love is universal, in many ways, the artist with his paint brush and canvas, dream and imagination and devotion. ~

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