I cannot understand the reason of imitating the natural world cum attractions, in lieu of outdoor and on-the-spot experience that promotes reverence for life and the environment.
Dr Abe V Rotor
I cannot see birds around; I mistake their songs for whistles and whirls of machines and toys; the singing of cicada, cooing of doves, fiddling of crickets are buried in noise;
I cannot feel the softness of grass, soothing to tired feet, the presence of plants, quivering of their leaves with the slightest touch, towering trees that lead my eyes to heaven;
I cannot hear water moving downstream among rocks, hissing of a waterfall, stream settling down in peace and quiet, calming frayed nerves and tired muscles;
I cannot imagine how grownups and children are united in an artificial ambiance, by time limited by toll, off limit signs, warnings and many rules that limit freedom and choice;
I cannot imagine animals in their stuffed replicas being treated by kids in different ways, consciously or otherwise, if such attitude applies to growing up in a natural world;
I cannot relate beautiful experiences with Nature, richness of imagination, logical thoughts and inferences where the playground is a patchwork lacking contiguity and goal;
Dr Abe V Rotor
Artificial playground in a mall, 2015
I cannot smell the earth under my feet, neither the freshness of grass nor the fragrance of flowers with bees and butterflies hovering, fluttering and alighting for brief rest;
I cannot see birds around; I mistake their songs for whistles and whirls of machines and toys; the singing of cicada, cooing of doves, fiddling of crickets are buried in noise;
I cannot feel the softness of grass, soothing to tired feet, the presence of plants, quivering of their leaves with the slightest touch, towering trees that lead my eyes to heaven;
I cannot hear water moving downstream among rocks, hissing of a waterfall, stream settling down in peace and quiet, calming frayed nerves and tired muscles;
I cannot imagine how grownups and children are united in an artificial ambiance, by time limited by toll, off limit signs, warnings and many rules that limit freedom and choice;
I cannot imagine animals in their stuffed replicas being treated by kids in different ways, consciously or otherwise, if such attitude applies to growing up in a natural world;
I cannot relate beautiful experiences with Nature, richness of imagination, logical thoughts and inferences where the playground is a patchwork lacking contiguity and goal;
I cannot hear thunder in the distance that bring in life-givng rain that nourishes the forests, pastures and fields, that signals the kids playing to pack up and go home;
I cannot understand the reason of imitating the natural world cum attractions, in lieu of outdoor and on-the-spot experience that promotes reverence for life and the environment.

Transforms - artificial replicas for study. Do these contribute
to growing up in a natural world?
Transforms - artificial replicas for study. Do these contribute
to growing up in a natural world?
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