BIOLOGY in the Epic Biag ni Lam-ang
Dr Abe V Rotor
Statue of Lam-ang at the La Union Botanical Garden, Barangay Cadaclan, San Fernando LU. The garden is a project of the local government headed by then San Fernando mayor Mary Jane Ortega, and managed by Dr Romualdo M del Rosario, from the garden's conceptualization to its elevation into a world class botanical garden.
Nadumaduma a bungbungan
ti inna dita masarsaramsam:
salamagi a marabanban,
She ate a variety of fruits
like green tamarind,
pias and daligan
[Tamarind or sampalok (Tamarindus indica), pias is Kamias (right photo) (Averrhoa balimbi), daligan is starapple (Averrhoa carambola)]
Niog pay a lolocoten,
bayabas a pariggalsem,
sua ken lolokisen
ket dagitoy met ti inna sidaen:
Young coconut fruits, guavas
about to ripen, pomelo
and other oranges which she ate.
and other oranges which she ate.
Fruits of bayabas or guava: in different stages of maturity.. Pariggaisem (about to ripem) is manibalang in Pilipino.
[Young coconut or buko (Cocos nucifera), bayabas or guava (Psidium guajava). lolokisen or orange (Citrus nobilis)]
Newly harvested buko or young coconut is popular in any part of the country and in the tropical region, for its refreshing water and nutritious soft flesh.
Panapana ken maratangtang,
ar-arosip ken aragan,
tirem a tinoctocan,
pasayan a kinalapan;
Panapana and maritangtang
ar-arosip and aragan, tirem
and shrimps.
Spiked and spineless sea urchin
[Panapana or spiked sea urchin, maritangtang (spinless sea urchin); ar-arosip is Caulerpha or lato (Tag) grape-like green seaweed; aragan is a brown seaweed dominant in tropical regions]
(7) edible marine shellfish pictures
Pingpinggan ken im-immoco,
loslosi ken pocpoclo,
leddangan pay ken soso
ta isu dagitoy ti inna cagusto.
loslosi and pocpoclo ,
leddangan and soso - these
she liked much to eat.
These are some edible species of shellfish which come in different dialects. Tinoktokan is likely oyster because you have to pound it open usually with stone.
[Pingpingan, im-immoco and loslosi are edible bivalve seashells; soso is a pointed seashell. Shellfish are usually gathered at low tide and in shallow waters in the coral reefs. Pocpoclo is a green seaweed, Codium edule]. (photo)
"Inca cuma imatangan ti
immulata a cawayan
idiay bantay capareian
ket inca cuma pucanan.
"Go and see the bamboos
we planted on Mount Caparian
and cut down some.
[Bamboo is most likely of the species kawayan kiling (Bambusa spinosus) propagated by means of cuttings. NOTE: Bamboo planting is thought to be a recent technology and horticultural practice.]
Ket kinona ni babain Namongan,
"Ay, asawac a Don Juan,
dayta man tongo ti agdalagan
a sagat ken gasatan.
And Namogan said, "My
husband Don Juan, I need
firewood such as molave and
gasatan for my lying-in,
[Molave (Vitex parviflora) is a hardwood used as house posts; gasatan is another species of hardwood]
"Dangla ken bayabas nga inukisan,
ket inca met cuma gumatang
itay dongdong ken dalican
ta isu ti pagdalangan.
stripped of its bark. Also
you go and buy a jar and a
stove on which to warm myself.
[Dangla is lagundi (Vitex lagundi) a medicinal plant, guava here is used as medicinal plant.] (photo)
Acknowledgement" Internet photos
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