Monday, February 10, 2025

My Best Photographs Series 10 Animals - Tame and Wild

                                        My Best Photographs Series 10 

Animals - Tame and Wild 
Applied humanities in creative photography and poetry.

Dr Abe V Rotor

Marsupials at Brisbane Museum

Marsupials - animals with pouches,
second womb for their premature babies,
 only in Australia and New Zealand found -
it's one among evolution's mysteries

White hawk preys on rodents

Predation - key to survival of the fittest,
so said Charles Darwin in his theory;
only the strong with claws and wings,
in reality and in bedtime story. 

Kangaroo in Brisbane Museum

Kangaroo -  Australia's signature animal, 
Know him more in the wild, at least, in the zoo.

Friendly parrot, Brisbane Zoo

It seeks either company or food,
a test if you're kind and good. 

At home in San Vicente, Ilocos Sur

Camouflage or mimicry?
I, the artist of this mural,
amazed and happy.

St Paul University, QC

By a glass pane one morning
I found this  loving couple.
Indeed it's a great wonder: 
crepuscular - somewhere
between nocturnal or diurnal. 
Cat on her lap

Sun bathing this duo I found 
in the garden early one morning 
when others are in the rush hour,
in silence and prayer.  

Brooding hen in a broken jar

Whatever use this jar has, 
all ruined, save its crown,
yet a mother hen found it
a haven for her young.  

Preying mantis

Executioner - that's his brand,
this terror with built-in sword,
all gentle or feigning dead
to survive in this cruel world. 

Long horned grasshoppers feeding on the flower 
of balibago, Tagaytay

 You share the beauty of your host -
and beauty itself the cost. ~

Halloween Moth

 You can't hide behind mask;
it is no longer Halloween;
with thin lips and sleepy eyes,
          I know where you've been. ~  

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