Wednesday, February 26, 2025

EcoArt 1: Environmental Art (Article in Progress)

EcoArt 1
Environmental Art 
Dr Abe V Rotor

Mounted Giant Mussel Clam with glass pearls by AVR 2026

All in pursuit of the pearl, pure and dainty,
    our country the "Pearl of the Orient Sea."
Yet seldom do we see it with pride today,
    this symbol, "land of the proud and free."


Mounted Brain Coral with Embedded Shells, by AVR 2026

Both have been dead many years ago, 
       yet together like when they were alive;
these brain coral and mollusk in a duo,
   in make-believe their fossils survive. 

Shells of Giant African Land Snails against a canvas painting 
by AVR 2025

Tower Ruins, wood splinters against canvas painting by AVR 2018

Deadwood Looking at Heaven, driftwood against an acrylic mural, 
by AVR 2025 

                      Shelf mushrooms crown a dead tree limb in acrylic
                                                    by AVR 2026 

Tree skeleton clinging on a rock cliff, by AV Rotor
Living with Nature Center

It's counterpart of the sacred Cross;
let's save Mother Nature at all cost.


Dismembered Pine Trees (Pinus insularis) in acrylic 
by AVRotor 2025
Forest fire spares Bitaog trees (Calopyllum inophylum) 
 in acrylic by AVRotor 2025

Come deluge, El Niño drought, wildfire,
    this tree vanishes, oh, God, forbid
one Nemesis, man's unrestrained desire,
    save it, save it, from his rage and greed.

EcoArt 2
Environmental Art 
 A Lovely Pair in a Bower*
A Lovely Pair in a Bower in acrylic (11.5" X 16") by the author

Author (left) presents painting and a book** he wrote as gifts to Fr Mars Tan, 
president of Xavier University, on the latter's visit to the author's home in San Vicente, Ilocos Sur in 2024. 

Let the world go by in their bower,
lovers blind to the busy world,
away from the maddening crowd;
fleeting moment is forever,
to this pair in their lair.

Wonder in our midst who we are,
blind to each other, but the world,
strange this crowd we are in;
where's this lovely pair,
where's their bower?

  * A bower for fish is a nest built by fish using their mouths to move sand or other
     materials. Fish build bowers for spawning.

Driftwood Art depicting Nature's urgent appeal for conservation and protection of the environment, pioneered by the author in his artworks and writings in line with emerging movements to save Mother Earth, including cryptobiology, a field of science at the border of the paranormal, legends and popular beliefs. Model: Miss Angie Tobias.

She is a princess of Nature - Angie,
     wherever, whenever Nature is,
Amihan and Habagat, and in between;
     guardian of butterflies and bees;
her ways are far from Narcissus' myth,
     but like a passing summer breeze. 

Ruins of High-Rise Buildings in wood and acrylic
 by AVR 2023

Doomed Predator, acrylic by AVRotor 2008

Are your eyes tired?  Reflection of a painting 
in acrylic by AVR 2025

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