Wednesday, October 2, 2024

I love the rainbow in 5 scenes

I love the rainbow in 5 scenes
“When there is love in the heart, there are rainbows in the eyes, which cover every black cloud with gorgeous hues.” — Henry Ward Beecher

                                                           Dr Abe V Rotor

1. Rainbow at the Waterfalls
2. "Yellow Spot into Sun"
3. Rainbow Across a River
4. Yes, you can bring down the rainbow - and touch it, too.
5. Rainbow on a Wall Mural
ANNEX - Rainbow comes down to earth in many ways

                                    1. Rainbow at the Waterfalls

I can see my rainbow calling me through the misty
 breeze of my waterfall." - Unknown
Rainbow at the Waterfalls, by Leo Carlo R Rotor, 13

"I am told when we knock at heaven's gate
St. Peter will ask, Pray, tell me, 
what price have you paid to enter heaven?
I will then have to recall and reflect...
on all the good deeds I have done from birth to death
as well as my sins of omission and commission."

2. "Yellow Spot into Sun"
"Picasso once said that a real artist has a unique talent to transform a yellow spot into sun... a sun shining into the heart, giving warmth and comfort that go with enlightenment, wisdom, faith and hope - for the young generation." -  avr
Rainbow on a Tree by Mishane Chura, 9

"I used to be of the dark
I still am...
But I have come to terms with this fear.
I now leave the light off when I sleep
For I have come to terms with darkness
And my fear of it... "

3. Rainbow Across a River
"Count your rainbows, not your thunderstorms." - Alyssa Knight
Rainbow across the Bamban River, Tarlac

I love the rainbow
because it holds a pot of gold
that glitters in kaleidoscope,
and prism on its huge crown,
where lovely deities play I'm told;

it's reborn when worn and old
into a cathedral in the sky
cherubim sweetly sing in praise, 
humbling the proud and bold;

it guides the lost from the fold
and those searching for heaven -
a rainbow suddenly appears
whenever faith grows cold. ~

4. Yes, you can bring down the rainbow - and touch it, too.  

“Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.” — E.Y. Young


Children in the neighborhood delight in making a rainbow through an aquarium as prism.
 You can make one, too, in your home. 

Rainbow - a kaleidoscope of colors in a pattern of seven - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet - that guide man's art in endless combinations.

Rainbow - it builds slowly before our eyes; it comes as twin, or breaks out suddenly  perking up life in its low ebb, and taking out the boredom of living. 

Rainbow - gauge of  weather, reference for travel and trade, source of inspiration of lovers,  bards and writers, subject of the arts, icon of faith and devotion. 

Rainbow - the make-believe subject in children's stories of fairies and spirits; the most sought treasure of grownups -  the proverbial pot of gold. 

Rainbow - ephemeral for which its beauty in heightened, like a rose in the morning, 
first rain in May, the passing of day and night, and the march of seasons.  

Rainbow - likened to the cycle of life - its birth and death, glory and fall, its simplicity grandeur, its independence and attachment to all things, visible and invisible.

Rainbow - now you see it, now you don't, a puzzle to the old and young in all walks of life, yet seeing it best with a clear mind, pure heart and spirit.

Rainbow - it conquers gloom, sows hope, builds the biggest, the most beautiful and magnificent arch of the world that bestows honor to everyone. 

Rainbow - the cathedral in the sky that brings the faithful of all beliefs together in awe and respect to the Creator, the unifying grace of all mankind.  

Rainbow - too high, too far, too abstract, yet to the children it is near, it is real and true; rainbow the symbol of beauty and hope, it comes when the sky is gloomy and dark. ~

5. Rainbow on a Wall Mural 
"Today's teardrops are tomorrow's rainbows." - Ricky Nelson 

Rainbow on a Wall Mural by the author, Lagro QC

I painted a wall and brought a rainbow down;
it fell on the grass, over my head its crown;
what my painting lacked, it gloriously filled,
and I, the artist humbled, my pride stilled.

Now I understand how a masterpiece is made,
the Sistine chapel, Berlin wall, Roman pallisade,
these classical works, their secrets long sought -
it's the Creator's expression in man's thought. ~

ANNEX - Rainbow comes down to earth in many ways

Rainbow comes down to earth in many ways - in flowers in spring, leaves in autumn, mountains at sunrise, reflection of lakes, spray of running streams, mirage in deserts, feathers of fowls, and the like.  The rainbow is commonly imitated in man-made structures and designs, and many items of trade and commerce.

Living things like this rainbow fish have captured through evolution the colors and pattern of the rainbow, assuring them of their place in the living world. Internet photo  

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