Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Eyes of Nature

                                              The Eyes of Nature 

"Many eyes are looking at me
here with Nature,
by day and night 
beneath and atop a tree." - avr

Painting and Poem by Dr Abe V Rotor

Details: Young adventurers in full gear prepare to penetrate the forest; emergent tree rises to a hundred feet surpassing the canopy layer. A nest is perched on the top, with a mother hawk attending to her young.

A pair of deer, a coiled boa, and many more hidden and camouflaged. Trees are real giants of the living world. This Dipterocarp is tallest tree in the Tropical Rain Forest. 

     The Eyes of Nature
Many eyes are looking at me here with Nature;
By day and night, beneath and atop a tree.
They're scary, they're mean, they're sleepy, 
And how do I look to them seeing me?

Wink and they wink, close and they do, too.
Quick the flashlight, and they disappear;
Can eyes exist alone, like stars in the sky?
I wonder if these eyes are like stars to cheer.  

Yes, the fireflies have lamps that flicker,
The moth and butterfly have wing spots
Like monstrous eyes to stave off predator,
And cave dwellers glow in rows and knots. 

The fish in the stream is silver in the moonlight,
As bubbles rise to the surface and sparkle,
The owl rarely blinks, no creature dare around,
Its infrared vision indeed a marvel.

Raindrops falling make a thousand eyes
Life they bring to the rainbow, borrowing
its colors glow, and sparkle as they drop,
reborn with the light of the river flowing. 

Mushrooms are phosphorescent, they glow,
while others absorb light for future use; 
Ah, boast the snake, I can freeze you to fall,
An eagle swoops, there's no excuse.

Petals attract a pollinator in the night
Crickets shine when won by a song,
Seeds pop out to meet the rising sun,
And the sun shines happily all along. 

Eyes, eyes, eyes, - for us to see the world, 
And all eyes the world is bound;
In our sleep, in the deep forest and ocean,
Eyes make the world go round. ~
Living with Nature School on Blog
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (People's School-on-Air) with Ms Melly C Tenorio
738 DZRB AM Band, 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday

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