Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Dawn of Art in Children - An Awakening in 3 Parts

                                            Dawn of Art in Children 

- An Awakening

"Coming of age to see the world beyond childhood,
bright as the sun, azure as the sky.
Hills to mountains grow, adventure awaits, behold!
birds in spring to somewhere fly. "

                            Selected works of pre-school and primary school pupils 
in a summer art workshop. 

Dr Abe V Rotor 

Part 1 - Summertime 

Coming of age to see the world beyond childhood, 
bright as the sun, azure as the sky; 
Hills to mountains grow, adventure awaits, behold!
birds in spring to somewhere fly. 

Kites whatever shape and make, 
fly high for the young one's sake
to dream in becoming great.    

Rhyme and rhythm, 
music I hear,
waves and sky,
 serene and clear.

Jump for joy at the setting sun,
into darkness away from man.

Shy and meek 
coy to speak;
hide and creep
or back to sleep.

Meadow in summer,
to autumn bound;
life in its fullest
for Nature's crown.

Where are the Children?
Wonder where the children are
at this time of the year?
playing on the hills, under the trees, 
Look! a flock of birds in the air
moving out of the chill.

Half ripe, half done in the setting sun,
hurry up the colors before they're gone. ~

Part 2 - Respite from the Cellphone

"Have a respite from the cellphone, 
go for adventure and outdoor trip;
work on the basic skills in art alone,
    hone your mind, heart and spirit." avr
Revival of the classical Nipa Hut,
but where have all the trees gone?

Halos of the sun and moon combined
make an obelisk in the sky.

Sunset on the hills, sans trees,
and its reflection on the lake 

Crucifix, symbol of nature lost,
save a living waterfall and trees.

Rainbow fish took the colors away
to make for its home a confetti. 

Either nature, in summer, is in bloom,
or a reminder of the dreadful mushroom.

Part 3 - Art on the Floor 
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist 
once we grow up” – Pablo Picasso

Let the wind blow, the grass grow, the mist settle down;
     guide a child, brush and colors in her hand, reign
over a beautiful realm we grownups have given up long ago,
     never to return, yet yearning, to be children again;
We pass this way but once - and again through our genes,
     in tender hands and heart, we've lived not in vain. - avr

“There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who, thanks to their art and intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun.” – Pablo Picasso

“Why do you try to understand art? Do you try to understand the 
song of a bird?” – Pablo Picasso

I watched a child paint the floor of our house.
    I gave her all the things she needed,
then left to attend the chores of the day.
    What had she done in my absence?

I almost forgot all about the whole thing.
   That always happens to a busy person.
I returned, apologetic. She didn't say a word.
   She was still busy painting without respite.

I studied her paintings on the floor.
   Suddenly I felt I was talking to myself.
Me, an artist of many movements:
   realism, romanticism, to postmodern.

And she, the artist of peace and harmony,
   naturalness and simplicity.
Here's the greatest masterpiece of the world.
   and the greatest story ever told. - avr

“No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did he would cease to be an artist” – Oscar Wilde

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