"I was lost in the middle of a forest
hidden by fog to its crest..."
Dr Abe V Rotor
Rainforest sentinel AVR
Stately and colorful like a king,
the cockatoo is lord of the realm;
greet and he will echo your call,
and will follow to the screen.

Rivulets to streams comb the hills, AVR
The beginning of the great Nile lies somewhere
on the glaciers of Mount Kilimanjaro;
Hemingway wrote in the like of an idea untold,
emerging, converging, to be true.
Downstream, AVR
I was lost in the middle of a forest
hidden by fog to its crest;
trees blocked my path, my sight;
t'was a stream I owe my life.

Cliff, AVR
A watchtower of my ancestors I revisited;
once green and sacred,
now bare and empty, I found it instead,
a history of the dead.

Angling and Loafing, AVR
The fish I caught may be small and few,
but I am happiest though;
more than the flowing stream that I knew
many great ideas grew.

Sitting Boat AVR
Wonder the fisherman at sundown,
his boat by the bay sits;
to sea the whole night he's bound,
while the world sleeps. ~
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