EcoSanctuary - Laboratory of Nature
It is a replica of the natural world unspoiled by man, a patch of the lost Eden.
Dr Abe V Rotor
Bird of Paradise (Heliconia latipatha Benth) Family Heliconiaceae
They say you are a True Bird of Paradise
left after the Fall,
by one sweep of the mighty sword
that smite the sinful;
truly you bear the color of that sword
truly you bear the color of that sword
as golden as your soul.
Camia (Hedichium coronarium) Family Liliaceae
Wings, wings - they are not all that fly;
they fly in the mind, fragrance
riding in purest colors, as dewdrops
become nectar, and nectar to dewdrops
greeting the morning sun,
shrinking, sinking and gone.
Lotus [Nelumbium nelumbo (Linn) Druce] Family Nymphaeaceae
If white is pure,
then what is color?
Mayana (Coleus blumei) Family Labiatae
Dress up quickly and beam with valor;
youth is fleeting for the frail and bold;
play with the sun in kaleidoscope color,
after the equinox the wind grows cold.
Red (Anthurium sp) Family Araceae
Mimicry is the name of the game,
all in survival's name -
defense and offense,
conceit and deceit -
cloaked in beauty or nonsense.
A wild orchid
In the wild beauty is simple and true.
Wild Bromeliad, Family Bromeliaceae
The forest would be dull without you,
you hang on limbs, blossom on tree;
in your crown some little ponds lie,
oasis to fish, frog and dragonfly.
Wild is your character like your domain,
save the pineapple, your only kind,
released from your ancient gene pool,
tamed and loved by mankind.

Gumamela, Centennial series (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn) Family Malvaceae
Like a giant bell spliced,
once adored for its sound,
a call for a nation's stand,
and pride of a crown.

Gumamela, Centennial series (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn) Family Malvaceae
If only blood can wipe out blood,
and only tear can heal;
where is joy in reverence, its glory,
and a heart set free?
Frolic while it's May,
before the sun's last ray;
blessed is the blossomed hour,
for this ephemeral flower
Mulberry (Morus alba) Family Malvaceae
In perfect mimicry
of friends and foes,
winged and hoofed -
they pair your genes;
they spread them
over the land
in pure chance -
and biology.
Screw pine (Pandanus sp) Family Pandanaceae
Go forth and multiply,
as your body dies bit by bit,
your genes are passed on
to your offspring,
before the tomb is sealed. ~
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