Saturday, November 25, 2017

Some Common Superstitious Beliefs

Some Common Superstitious Beliefs
Dr Abe V Rotor

1. When you got a fishbone stuck in the throat, get the cat and gently rub its paws around the affected area.

2. Never allow a conceiving mother to get near a fruiting tree, else the fruits will fall prematurely.

3. Beware! Dogs can detect a dog eater. He is prone to dog bite or even a pack attack. 

4. Food offering at the family altar during festivals is homage to the spirits

5. Say tabi-tabi when entering a thicket.

6. Put sugar as fertilizer to get sweeter fruits.

7. Some people suffer body aches before a typhoon brews near.

8. When walking through a forest, wear a face mask backward to ward of tiger or lion attack.

9. When harvesting the first fruits, get an oversize basket and pretend that the harvest is heavy.

10. Expect rain if hordes of dragonflies hover low.~

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