Saturday, September 30, 2017
Sargassum Fish: Model of Mimicry and Camouflage
Sargassum Fish: Model of Mimicry
and Camouflage
Dr Abe V Rotor
Sargassum Fish in acrylic by AVR circa 2002
Strange this living world, if you wish;
fish to Sargassum, Sargassum to fish;
if evolution is by fusion
toward unification and peace,
where lies fission,
key to diversification?
There would be more fossils
than the present living,
extinguished before their time,
unfit by Darwinian rule -
unless the past had little left
the proof of the whole.
And here before our eyes: the link
of time past and present,
of fossil and the living,
changing, too nil, too slow;
wondering at Nature's game,
in her own sweet time.~
Friday, September 29, 2017
Thursday, September 28, 2017
To remove bubblegum stuck on fabric, freeze it first and peel off.
To remove bubblegum stuck on fabric,
freeze it first and peel off.
Dr Abe V Rotor
Don't force to remove a freshly stuck gum on cloth, otherwise it will spread and stick more. Carefully place stained cloth in the freezer for a few minutes to solidify. You will be surprised that the gum will peel off easily and clean. Warm water and a little detergent will take care of the rest of the job.
Reference: Living with Folk Wisdom by AV Rotor, UST Publishing House Manila 2008
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Yes, you can be a poet! Here are simple verses.
Yes, you can be a poet! Here are simple verses.
"... and if one day the water of the sea is not enough,
drink, drink deep from my little cup."- avr
Dr Abe V Rotor
1. Foot Bridge
I walked the bridge to its far end and beyond,
And down the river to the sea I cast my pole.
It was a fight I fought, it was no longer game,
And it was neither fish nor dream I caught.
2. Mayon Volcano
Tranquility reigns on her face, rage in her breast,
If beauty exudes best from a spring of force,
I do not wonder at the shyness of a crest,
And the power of a single rose.
3. Artisan
I touched the towering figure and I was touched,
Transported to Gulliver’s land for a moment;
To meet the maker, a simple man from the hills,
Unschooled, yet his burin sings of glorious Greece.
4. Gulliver
Pygmies make giants, for the little man dreams of what he misses.
Humble is he, painstakingly working on his stead,
Until a Genie rises from his hands, mirror of a great soul.
Lo, a pupil I am, doubting my skill, my goal.
5. Children of Nature
Summer’s short, rainy days are long,
And so brief is this imagery;
The young can’t wait, and all along
The scene a blissful memory.
6. A happy lot
For just once the world is mine
With rowdy friends and I,
Happily with a jug of wine,
Words come easy, ‘Aye, Aye!’ ”
7.The other side of progress
Through time, humanity has changed through use
Of its environment for man’s needs through abuse,
From adaptation to modernization,
All in the name of civilization.
8. Youth
Pleasance to you youth, bright as the sun;
The world be at war or be at peace.
Ask not where have all the flowers gone;
Seasons come, and seasons go at ease.
9. Rage
Rage and break, rage and break,
On the cold wall and be free;
Make the sky and the river meet
Under a rainbow by the sea.
10. Drink from my little cup
Rise up from the sea and come down as rain;
rise, rise up and be weaned, to be free;
and if one day the water of the sea is not enough,
drink, drink deep from my little cup.
Friday, September 22, 2017
Baby's Sunrise - Social bonding at a very early age
Dr Abe V Rotor
As the sun peeps on the horizon, it lights up the sky,
Hills and mountains glow, and the fields wake up;
Gems from dewdrops are born as quickly as they die
With the mist that unfolds a drama on a road map -
A new beginning, though uncertain may the future lie,
The sun shines brightest on the mountain top.
Tracing genetic lineage to the nth generation
First solid food introduces a baby to the dining table
Bonding with balikbayan relative
Bonding with friends and co-workers of the child's parents
Bonding with uncle and auntie
Bonding with Lola
Papier-mâché travelogue brings back childhood
"The greatest final adventure at sunset
is a make-believe travelogue."
Dr Abe V Rotor
Photos by the author, Disneyland HK 2017
Past your prime, and here you are in fairy land.
to be a child once more,
returning to a place you love and not understand
innocence in its core;
this freedom in pure childhood affection and fun
is the greatest tour.
Here in a land where Peter Pan flies,
stars mingle with fireflies
flowers pretty smiling faces,
of princes and princesses
More than the Phoenix bird rising,
little ones in its place singing,
life's continuum, ad infinitum,
The little ones they are our very own
in flesh, in laughter and joy;
wouldn't the angels rather join the fun?
the heavy at heart to buoy.
Voodoo - song, dance and play,
festival at the grassroots,
tribal, primitive - who would say -
all the pain it soothes.
Life is a giant book
to kids of unending entertainment
opportunities and adventure
surprises and merriment.
In fantasy land it is hard to say Goodbye
even if you are very old;
the greatest final adventure at sunset
is a make-believe travelogue.~
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Young Markus Meets the Dawn of Discovery
Great discoveries and inventions have their roots in childhood.
Dr Abe V Rotor
By semblance, a lobster is a flower;
Dr Abe V Rotor
Christopher Columbus as a child played by the seaside looking far into the horizon with a toy boat at his feet. Florence Nightingale’s treated her first patient when she was a little girl, a wounded dog she brought back to health. Brahms composed the world’s most popular lullaby as a kid babysitter who could barely reach the keys of the piano.
The snowmobile, earmuff, trampoline, popsicle, were all invented by kids. It was a kid who accidentally discovered (serendipity) one of the earliest human fossils. Whoever discovered the creepiest creature like the jumping spider, and the brightest supernova thought to be a UFO, could not have been an adult, but a curious and sensitive child.
Kids can see more stars in the sky, listen to the whale’s call as music, see grass actually growing, build sandcastles. They are discoverers and inventors in the making. They need role models in their search and aspirations in making a better world and tomorrow. They are the likes of Einstein, Edison, Mozart, Da Vinci, Bell, Linnaeus, Darwin, et al. when they were young.
Young Markus and Yaya at home in QC
Greet the morning on a flower hanging,
with dewdrops like gems shining;
Where have the gems gone at the end of day?
Come back with the sun we pray.
A wall mural and a tree trunk at home QC
A wall mural, bats emerging as darkness falls;
a tree beside, moss and lichen astride,
here reality and imagery the essence of art.
so in life, together lie side by side.
Lobster's Claw (Heliconia) and coconut tree at home QC
By semblance, a lobster is a flower;
to a child, they are the same,
big and small by the same Creator
keeps them play the same game. ~
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Saturday, September 9, 2017
The Art of the Caterpillar
Dr Abe V Rotor
Skeleton of a leaf of Samat (Macaranga tenarius)
Caterpillar, when you are gone
two things come to mind:
the butterfly you'll become,
and the damage you've done
two things come to mind:
the butterfly you'll become,
and the damage you've done
and left behind.
Art, art, whatever way defined,
the subject on the wall,
or dripping on the floor,
art, art you aren't hard to find
Art, art, whatever way defined,
the subject on the wall,
or dripping on the floor,
art, art you aren't hard to find
after all. ~
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Living Prism in the Deep
Living Prism in the Deep
Painting and Poem by Dr Abe V Rotor
Painting and Poem by Dr Abe V Rotor
Living Prism in the Deep in acrylic (24” x 43”) 2017
Sunlight splits into colors, the rainbow,
through droplets hanging in the sky,
the deep among seaweeds where fishes play,
letting time and the world go by.
Oh, how the seasons come and go at ease,
ephemeral in our lifetime,
yet fullest in awe and wonder and joy,
in the living prism in our prime.
In the golden years as the sun sets down,
and into the deep its last rays soon die,
lingers, flickers the light saved by the day
lingers, flickers the light saved by the day
into beautiful dreams to live by. ~
Monday, September 4, 2017
Entomology: Cockroaches eat on anything - almost.
Cockroaches eat on anything - almost.
Number One Pest in the Home
Dr Abe V Rotor
American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is most commonly found in the tropics
True. Being omnivorous, cockroaches voraciously consume all kinds of materials that are rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats and oils. But when these are not available they turn to unlikely food source like soap, photographic film, clothes, wood and drugs. In fact they even turn into predators, devouring other insects, and sometimes biting people in their sleep. Their bite often gets swollen and infected. Cockroaches are found in all places where humans live and conduct his trade, commerce and industry. Only rats can be compared with the tenacity of the cockroach.
The cockroach has very powerful digestive enzymes: proteases digest protein, invertase breaks complex sugar, and amylase breaks starches. Its saliva contains powerful enzymes coming from the gastric caeca, while the Malphigian tubules secrete an enzyme that is equally disgusting. It is no wonder that just a single frass (feces) can spoil a whole pot of rice by its obnoxious smell. By the way there are three most common species that we encounter in the home and public places. These are the American cockroach or Periplaneta americana (large, rust red with a yellow band across its thorax), the German cockroach or Blatta germanica (pale yellow, only one-third the size of the American species) and the oriental cockroach or Blatta orientalis (dark brown to black, the biggest and filthiest of all cockroaches.)
Meticulous sanitation is the best way to get rid of cockroaches. To keep their population down, sprinkle carbamate (Sevin) on the kitchen floor, pathways and possible hideout of the pest, preferably before retiring at night. Keep doors and screens properly closed to prevent entry of the insect.
Three most common species
How to minimize cockroaches at home and workplace. (CLIPS)
Number One Pest in the Home
Dr Abe V Rotor
American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is most commonly found in the tropics
The cockroach has very powerful digestive enzymes: proteases digest protein, invertase breaks complex sugar, and amylase breaks starches. Its saliva contains powerful enzymes coming from the gastric caeca, while the Malphigian tubules secrete an enzyme that is equally disgusting. It is no wonder that just a single frass (feces) can spoil a whole pot of rice by its obnoxious smell. By the way there are three most common species that we encounter in the home and public places. These are the American cockroach or Periplaneta americana (large, rust red with a yellow band across its thorax), the German cockroach or Blatta germanica (pale yellow, only one-third the size of the American species) and the oriental cockroach or Blatta orientalis (dark brown to black, the biggest and filthiest of all cockroaches.)
Meticulous sanitation is the best way to get rid of cockroaches. To keep their population down, sprinkle carbamate (Sevin) on the kitchen floor, pathways and possible hideout of the pest, preferably before retiring at night. Keep doors and screens properly closed to prevent entry of the insect.
Life cycle of American cockroach (hemimetabola - egg, nymph, adult)
A community of American cockroach.
Three most common species
How to minimize cockroaches at home and workplace. (CLIPS)
- Cleanliness - cockroach is a barometer of housekeeping
- Lighting - cockroach is nocturnal. Vigil light keeps them at bay.
- Isolation - screen, cabinets and drawers, containers
- Protection - kill or repel with derris, pandan mabango, chemical (carbamate like Sevin), traps
- Starvation - get rid of droppings, morsels, leftovers
Acknowledgement: Photos credit: Internet
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