Monday, March 30, 2015

Armageddon Ticking

Armageddon Ticking
Overcrowded Earth, Manila 

Armageddon in human hands released,
piece by piece ticking with the clock;
innocence denied, sanity defied
to the final shock.

Time capsules all into infinity:
pleasure and pain, evil and goodness -
all that is on planet earth,
into emptiness.

It's Sodom revived, so with the Flood
and Vesuvius a thousand times;
and in war none but the innocent
is the price.

And the god in man and man in God
in futile struggle comes to end
the earth shall be no longer,
so with a heaven.

Fabled paradise shall be no more,
lost and regained, and finally gone;
Then a new world shall rise - perhaps
without man. ~ 

Author's Note:
I photographed this aerial View of Manila harbor aboard Pal flight from Roxas City to Manila August 6, 2012

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Old Black-and-White Photographs Revival 1

Old Black-and-White Photographs Revival 1 
Dr Abe V Rotor

“Black and white creates a strange dreamscape that colour 
never can.” – Jack Antonoff

Stalagmite Image
Courtesy of Emmanuel Pattaguan
UST Graduate School

Deep in an unknown cave somewhere
Grew an image from a living stone;
Its semblance and regal pose bear
The touch for the sinful to atone.

“Black and white can transform a scene into something magical.”
 – Rob Sheppard

Two Sisters, Two Mothers
Sister Angelina Rojas and Mrs Cecilia Rojas Rotor

Each found the true meaning of life;
One in contemplation, the other in strife;
One keeps the Faith converting people,
The other keeps the number of faithful.

“Black and white are the colours of photography. To me they symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is forever subjected.” – Robert Frank

Mud Spring
Mt Makiling, Laguna

I say you are truly a good daughter,
For you release the anger of your mother
That would in her episode smother
My lovely mountain and those I care.
“Black and white can transform a scene 
into something magical.” – Rob Sheppard

Friday, March 27, 2015

Black-and-White Photographs Revival 2 - “Life is in color, but black and white is more realistic.”

Monochrome Photography
Black-and-White Photographs Revival 2 
 “Life is in color, but black and white is more realistic.” 
Dr Abe V Rotor

Home Garden 
 My Late Son, Pao and his Yaya, Conching  
Lagro QC

This is a patch of Eden,
the work of Grimm's Seven*,
a shade in the lost Garden
and a li'l corner of Heaven.

Fish play in the pond,
Crucifers grow on sand,
and tomatoes line the bund,
while vine reach for the sun.
- AV Rotor 1994

* "The Seven Ravens" is a German fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm. 
It is of Aarne–Thompson type 451, commonly found throughout Europe. 
Other variants of the Aarne–Thompson type include The Six Swans, 
The Twelve Wild Ducks, Udea and her Seven Brothers, The Wild Swans, 
and The Twelve Brothers. Wikipedia

“Black and white creates a strange dreamscape 
that color never can.” – Jack Antonoff

Old Carillon
Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur

Your bells in the distance are a chime,
Music on the wind, reminder of time,
Calling the lost lambs from across the sea,
And linking your host in the Holy See.

“Black and white are the colours of photography. To me they symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is forever subjected.” – Robert Frank

Hull and Outrigger
UST Biological Station
Palauig, Zambales

Someone invented your hull. 
Another your outrigger
Which comes one-sided
Or in winglike pair.
Your hull slices the water
While your arm rides on the crest.
In duo you conquer 
The river and the sea,
Linking the islands in chain 
Since the time of the Odyssey.

“Black and white does more to evoke an emotion 
and freeze a moment in time.” – Kyle Anstey

The "Tablon" Sawers*
San Vicente, Ilocos Sur

If Millet were to paint this scenario,
In the masterpiece of "Man with a Hoe";
If Markham puts meaning in these duo,
Then life is a see-saw, see-saw, see-saw.

* Age old way of cutting lumber into broad planks
locally called "tablon".  San Vicente is well known
for furniture making.

To see in color is a delight for the eye but to see in black 
and white is a delight for the soul” – Andri Cauldwell

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Lighter Side: Likuan U and Lee Kuan Yew

The Lighter Side:  Likuan U and Lee Kuan Yew
With apology to the late Prime Minister who made Singapore a modern city state.  
Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature - School on Blog
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid with Ms Melly C Tenorio
738 DZRB AM, 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday

Filipinos are fond of witty expressions. This is one of them - a road sign along Quezon Avenue near the Lung Center of the Philippines, Diliman, QC. I saw a similar one near the Fort. Creative minds can go far, and trivial, too.

For those who have no inkling of the homonym similarity, Lee Kuan Yew is Singapore's living legend - father of this modern city state. You pronounce his name the same way you read in Pilipino, 

By the way, somebody has removed the sign. I miss it now whenever I make a u-turn in that busy intersection. ~ 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Avoid Recycling Toxic Wastes

Dr Abe V Rotor

1. Recyling is not recommended where pollution is heavy and unabated such as this mudflat.  Silt in clean environment is excellent garden soil.

2. Watch out for toxic materials
•         Toxic metals: Cadmium, Mercury, Lead
•         Hospital and medical wastes, including radioactive materials
•         Pesticide residues, especially dioxin
•         Industrial wastes, like acids, Freon, alkalis
3. Oil Spill Recycling? Not with hydrocarbon compounds; not in the case of oil spill. The
Petron oil spill in Guimaras in 2005 destroyed thousands of hectares of marine and terrestrial irreversibly upsetting ecosystems and depriving the residents of their livelihood.

4. Chemical pesticides are concentrated in food chains by biological magnification. ~

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Gem Perched on a Tree

Gem Perched on a Tree
Dr Abe V Rotor
Atop Tagaytay Ridge, March 24 2013

The brightest gem perched on a tree is looking through,
     to see in its shadow a threesome free;   
to whose care these are to the world and humanity, 
     a gift of a Creator, loving and true.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Leaf Skeleton: Painting and Verse

Dr Abe V Rotor

                  Leaf Skeleton, painting in acrylic by AVR 2013 

When once living veins through which life flows, 
      now the relics of a youthful past;
your flowers the abode of your enemies* 
      hidden by your beauty in their lust.    

* A colony of aphids and red ants.

Painting: Birds in the bush

Birds fly fast or sit at ease; they sing with few notes to trace, like passing breeze in the trees.Dr Abe V Rotor
Birds (16" 28") painting in acrylic by the author 2012

They chirp, but you don't see them,
     only leaves moving, rustling;
their becks red, their eyes sullen,
     and they blend with everything.

When you get near to admire,
     they shun, they stop moving,
silence the rule of their game,  
     discreet and subtle warning.

Birds are indeed real strange,
     they fly fast or sit at ease;
they sing with few notes to trace,
     like passing breeze in the trees. ~    

Compose a song, make the poem the lyrics of a country song accompanied by guitar. 
Painting is for sale. Call Dr Abe V Rotor 9396331.  Complimentary copies of author's winning books:
Living with Nature series, Light in the Woods, Light from the Old Arch